To my sons in heaven (给我还未见面的儿子们)
Jun 2018.
When I heard you are inside mummy’s tummy I was very delighted and when we had plans on what we want to do and what names we need to give. When mummy want to eat whatever you want, but u this cheeky boy keep making us visiting Hospital almost twice per month.
Oct 2018….
We know that you can’t survive because u decided to say hello as early as 4 months, pa pa and mummy was devastated, we ask the Doctors whether is there any miracles to keep you, but the doctor said they can’t save you. So u came out of this world in the busy emergency room. All our dreams and aspirations for you have broken. My only regret was being over traumatised and never really talked to you. After settling your funeral and stuffs we took a Long time for us to recover.
Jun 2019,
We tried and finally we moved on and have your little brother. And things go way smoother than the elder brother, hospital visits was just routine check up, we are pleased that you are growing well and also enjoying inside mummy’s tummy from wading to doing flutter kicks we are elated and we plan what we want for you and your god parents are here and also ensure Papa end work on time and accompany mummy.
Oct 2019,
Mummy called papa urgently saying that there have issues and we check into the hospital immediately but the doctors said you are fine and we heaved a sigh of relieve. But mummy keep telling me that something is wrong, but papa reassure mummy and tell her everything is fine.
A week later mummy called me urgently and told papa that her water bag burst and mummy called grandma and she told mummy call the ambulance, after that the Doctors check on mummy and they told us the devastating news saying that there are no water inside the waterbag. We asked the doctors whether can we save you, the Doctors said there are no chances anymore. We were devastated so much that we keep asking ourselves what we did ………..
So mummy requested to give birth to you at a quieter room, true enough you are out and all your uncles aunt and grand parents are here to say hi and goodbye!
Final goodbye,
On the very day we were at the crematorium, mummy ask papa to carry your casket in, as I did, each step Papa took is a very painful journey. Papa teared and I need to hold onto mummy as both of us wept thru the service. Once The service ended papa requested a private moment with mummy and your uncles and aunties so that we can prepare you and a final goodbye before u are being cremated.
Moving on,
Is very very hard for me and mummy to move on and to even know that we are parents of 2 rainbow babies. Papa and mummy just want to say i love you to Elroy and Ethan.
Your papa