I Am Different Now
这首短短的诗是我在生完我的的第一个小孩后写的。是在一个深夜,起身给宝宝喂奶的时候,感觉疲累又有点烦躁的时候,忽然想起过世多年的妈妈… 我的妈妈单亲,一人带大我们四姐妹,一定很不简单… 但她从不吝啬对我们的爱,也从没听过她埋怨过我们什么… 忽然觉得我的小孩儿很可怜,少了一个绝对会全心全意的爱他的人…
I am different now, ma,
I begin to see what you saw,
And feel what you felt.
I learnt to see another’s need greater than my own.
I learnt patience, endurance and self-control.
I understand your fears and frustrations,
Pain, joy and pride.
Endless anguish and anxiety added lines to your brows,
Yet it was love and caring thoughts you show.
All those tears shed, happy or sad,
Were full of love and hope,
That one day all the sacrifices made,
Would be enough to help me cope.
I am happy to tell you now:
I am different now, ma,
You see, I am now a mother too.
I now know how unconditional your love is, for me.
And I hope I can love him like you had loved me.
I can only hope that I can be what I am to him,
Like what you are to me.
And often times, in the night,
I look into his tiny face and think,
How wonderful it would be,
If you get to love him too.